Tag Lewis Carroll

Visiting Alice Liddells Grave

Any fan of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ will know that its eponymous heroine is based on a real person. Alice Liddell was the fourth child in the Liddell family. They were friends with Charles Dodgson AKA Lewis Carroll and it was… Continue Reading →

Lewis Carrolls Grave, Guildford, UK

It seems almost impossible that I should have neglected to find the final resting place of the author of my favourite book, Alice in Wonderland.  And yet I did. I assumed that Lewis Carroll was interred somewhere in London or… Continue Reading →

What are your Favourite Books?

This list is part of a much bigger one of ‘books I can’t live without’, but I whittled it down to five because it’s easier to build a blog post around it. Top (insert number here) lists are entirely objective of… Continue Reading →

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