Category Poetry

To rhyme or not to rhyme


You were full of promise, you were heavy with burden. The expectation of a nation, sat in every fold of your gross exaggeration You were filled with blood, you were kept in stone. In the killing wild, the precious child,… Continue Reading →

Wide-Mouthed Jack

We open up on Wolfies’s wife, and her sad, string-tugging tale, of her fine, old husband cut stone dead, of babes to feed and bills in the mail. And Wide-mouthed Jack catches all those tears, counting the figures on his glinting fingers,… Continue Reading →

In short

He said; get rid of your diaries, they only speak of pain. I said; I wrote because I felt. And it was better than punching someone I think.

The Year Walks

September has eyes, opening red and gold. January has fingers, stretching frozen spindles. August has toes, digging deep in soft sand. May has a nose, catching scents in sunlight. October has hair, roots torn by the wind. December has teeth,… Continue Reading →

The Ballad of Annie Jeffries

They called me the Changeling babe, Not quite a girl, not quite right. Through needle eyes I saw other realms and went wild dancing round finger trees. I jumped the Naiad, on a green bowing branch, and sang to the… Continue Reading →

Poetry – Elder Cry

I am tired My eyelids heavy My lips are raw My fingers crack.   I have gills Not lungs inside me Breath far stretched Held for sea salt.   I feel my bones Under this cotton Layers weighted In baby… Continue Reading →

Poetry – The Gate

There was a gate, that stood without walls, alone and patient, in the middle of the forest. It was not beautiful, with twisting filigree, and tingling gold, and cold, stone heads. It had been green, but now it’s skin peeled,… Continue Reading →

Poetry – The Torch is not the Only Guide

If the darkness has found you, fear not. If it  caresses your ears with cold, velvet words, you may listen without tremor. If it clasps and twists your body, you can move with it unbound. If it blackens your vision,… Continue Reading →

Poetry – Still

If I breathe everything will break. I capture the moment through half closed lashes. The grass, neat as plastic, trimmed by endless sheep. The azure ozone dusted with clouds topped by a golden globe. A flotilla of geese wafts across… Continue Reading →

Poetry – A Teacher’s Lament at Christmas

This year it is our turn to do the Nativity, And everyone is slack, We have rehearsed for two weeks now, So I’m not going to take all the flack. Miss Twit, as I call her, is on the piano,… Continue Reading →

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