Category Poetry

To rhyme or not to rhyme

Poetry – Trace

You long to press your forehead to the cold window pane and breathe, then trace a message of escape in reverse. Clutching your safety blanket, liquid for lost fingers, you wonder if another one could take all these cares away…. Continue Reading →

Poetry – The Doll

The scratching became a tapping, that soon became a crying, I heard the voice inside me, in my bedroom down below. ‘Mice,’ said my mother, clucking, so my father got to trapping, and I waited for the screaming, in my… Continue Reading →

Poetry – There you are (for Mother’s Day)

  I remember when I found you, just before you caught the train that day many months in coming. Of course you’d always been there, doing what you were meant to. Bandaging, teaching, cajoling, exasperating, bringing me up in a… Continue Reading →

Steel and Dust

I walk the line and check the tracks, one shot of light in the breathless deep. The hundreds that were torn still cling as dust to the steel around me. A pinprick lamp forms and condenses, spiking a chill deep… Continue Reading →

The Snow Road

I wish we were back on the snow road, in that little red car with the sun above us. You’ll be driving, laughing at my jokes, because I love making you laugh. We’ll slalom down the black liquorice strip between… Continue Reading →

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