Tag write

This Writing Life – Expectation Vs Reality

When you start writing, you probably come to it with a lot of preconceived ideas about what writing life will be like. And then you start writing for real and realise you may have been wrong about a few things…. Continue Reading →

5 Practical Ways To Develop Your Story Idea

As a writer, there’s nothing better than getting a great idea for a new story. Something exciting, something unique, something…in need of some work. Before you can start writing, you need more than just an idea – a lot more…. Continue Reading →

6 Tips For Writing On Holiday

Come the summer, our thoughts naturally turn to holidays, or vacations, or whatever word you have for a longish period of time off. Many things get put on the back burner to accommodate this and that can include writing. But… Continue Reading →

How To Manage Writers Guilt

When you’re a writer, you may well occasionally feel guilty. In our driven society, it’s not unusual to feel like this if you’re doing anything that isn’t “work” but is vaguely important to you. So how do you cope with… Continue Reading →

6 Things You DON’T Need To Be A Writer

Writing should be simple – pen, paper, write (or screen, keyboard, write). But like pretty much everything in life, we humans have tried to make it complicated. We’ve put up barriers that prospective writers have to vault over in order… Continue Reading →

Great Clothes For Readers (And Writers)

I already shared this on my Instagram (and if you didn’t know I was on there, please pop over and see me), but for I love it so much I’m putting it on here too. Ta-da! I even tried a… Continue Reading →

Learn About Writing Stories From Super Mario (no really)

Storytelling is the backbone of being a writer, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction. And there are many places to learn storytelling; books (obviously), but also art, music, films and TV. But there’s another a genre you might have overlooked –… Continue Reading →

The Perils (and Potential) of On-Demand TV

As a writer you have to fend off demands on your brain power – and find inspiration and tips wherever you can. In recent times this has been tricky. Staying in helps with writing. But mentally, we’ve maybe not been… Continue Reading →

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