I’m a little late here, but I want to just talk about New Year’s Resolutions. We make ‘em, we break ’em – that’s true for me and I expect it’s true for a lot of other people as well. Every year we make ourselves all sorts of promises – to loose weight, get fitter, get a better job, spend more time with our families – but they rarely work out.

The same can be said with resolutions about writing – write that book, start that blog, enter that competition, get published (as if we could wave a wand for that!) – and so on.
In the past, I’ve done the same. Finishing my book has been my resolution for the past couple of years and I’ve still not done it. I did manage to start this blog which was a resolution last year, but even that took me a while. It was more a mid year resolution in the end!

So this year I have decided to try a new approach. Rather than saying I’m going to finish this book, I’m just promising to finish this edit. And if I get onto edit round three before the end of the year, that’s a bonus. If I get to final edit, that’s a bonus. If I finish it, I’ll wack on nipple tassles and do the hula! Maybe.

Basically, I’m keeping it simple. I’ve made one promise, about one thing and that’s it. I’ve got pressure on me, but not unrealistic pressure and I’m hoping that will help keep me going as I try to whip this damned manuscript into shape.

What are your writing resolutions? Or do you think any resolutions are a waste of time?