Writers are meant to keep journals. At least, that’s what I always believed. Unfortunately, I’ve never been very good at it. They always seem like great idea too. A way to write every day, a place to store things that happened which you might otherwise forget and a record to look back on in years to come.

So one of my New Years Resolutions is to try to do the diarist thing. And to make it easy, I’ve got a 5 year line-a-day journal instead of the usual one year book.


It’s a pretty, chunky book and the space given for each day is bigger than just one line – it’s more of a short paragraph. I’m hoping that by only needing to write a small amount (and keeping it on my bedside table), I’ll be more likely to use it. It will be interesting to look back at five years worth of entries and to see what’s changed from one year to the next. If you’re considering trying out a diary, this could be the best way to ease into it.

Do you have any New Years Resolutions?

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New Years Resolutions – How to Avoid Failure

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