The classic horror aficionados amongst you will recognise the quote above from Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”. The tattoo and the arm it sits on belong to my friend Kasi. This is her favourite line from her favourite book, and it’s now permanently embossed on her skin.

Literary tattoos are hugely popular. There are plenty of websites and blogs dedicated to showing the myriad of literary tattoos out there. Search for just about any popular book and you will find scores of people inked up to show their love for it. Images of books and quotes about reading in general also adorn many a person.

I’ve been mulling the idea of getting one myself. Perhaps a pocket watch from “Alice in Wonderland”, or Great A’Tuin, the turtle who carries Terry Pratchett’s Discworld on its back. Although I’d have to decide if I could stand the pain before I chose either option!

It’s a great testament to the power of books. The fact that we love these things so much we want to paint their words or the pictures and feelings they conjure within us on our skin forever.

Who out there has a literary tattoo? Would you ever get one? And if you did, what would it be?

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