I went through the blogs I follow recently and was surprised by how many had been ‘vacated’. Some bloggers posted about how they were taking a break or leaving entirely. Others had gone onto their own website (and good on them).

The ones that intrigued me, were those that just stopped, the last posting giving no hint about any intention to disappear. I can’t help but wonder what happened and whether they will return.

We all blog for different reasons. Maybe some people only write when the mood takes them. Or perhaps life took over and some things fell by the wayside. I hope that whatever took over was something happy.

I did have to cull some of the blogs. I hope I wasn’t too ruthless and I followed a new blog for each one I had to unfollow which made me feel better.

Now I have started blogging and blogging regularly I can’t imagine stopping. It’s my tiny part of the online world, connecting me with like minded people everywhere.

Why do you blog? Have you ever left the blogging sphere and then returned?

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10 Tips for Better Blogging
Why you Should have an About Page on your Blog
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