I already shared this on my Instagram (and if you didn’t know I was on there, please pop over and see me), but for I love it so much I’m putting it on here too.

Ta-da! I even tried a flat lay thing and everything. Also this is not what I usually share on Instagram, my pics are much better than this honest. I’d seen a jumper on Joanie Clothing a while back but hadn’t bought it – then they recently had a sale (oh dear) and so not only did I get it, got the t-shirt version of it too. So I’m set winter or summer. And if you’re wondering how they look on well, cue rare picture of the writer in her unnatural habitat (front of camera).

This particular retailer often have book related garb, including (at the moment) ones that feature book title like “Pride and Prejudice”. So if you’re in the market for some bookish wear, take a peek.

Have any book or writing bits of clothing you love? Please share in the comments.

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