Do you do New Year’s resolutions? I suck at keeping to them so more power to you if you do. But whilst they might not be for me, I am a fan of setting goals for the year ahead. Last year I focused on my blog and saw my best year in all my stats. I’m so proud that I now have over 600 followers. It’s a teeny-tiny drop in a vast blogging ocean but it means a lot to me. So thanks to all of you, I hope my stuff keeps you interested!

But back to this brand spanking new year. I thought I’d share my 2020 goals to motivate me to achieve them. And perhaps spur on others to be bold and set a few of their own.

1) Read more books

Yeah, yeah I know, you have to read if you want to write, right? In my defense, I did actually read a lot last year but mostly articles, blogs, and magazines. I found it difficult to find the time to get absorbed into books. And, when I did find a spare hour or two, I reached for my old favourites rather than trying something new. So this is a double goal to a)read more books and b)read more diverse books. I’ve got three second-hand ones stacked on the bedside table ready to go so hopefully I’m on my way. I might try to get back into Goodreads to help with this. If you’re on there, come and say hello.

2) Complete the first draft of the first “Cauldron Trilogy” book

I started planning my new trilogy in February 2018 and it took six months to finish the prep work. Since then drafting the first book has been a bit up and down. My tactic of writing it scene by scene has, for the most part, been successful. But it has also been slow-going due to my lack of experience juggling so many characters and plotlines. Despite this, when I recently took stock, I was happy to see I’d actually completed the first act and was on my way to completing the second. Of course, it’s horrific as all first drafts are. My inner, very vocal perfectionist hates most of what I write and I’ve yet to be able to gag her completely. I just have to ignore her and plow on to get to the good bit – editing.

3) Get more art

This isn’t directly related to writing or reading but it is about creativity. I’ve been in my home two years now and I still have ridiculously bare walls in the living area and bedrooms. Overall my decor is pretty muted because I like my furniture and decorations to stand out. But the walls are so depressingly bare it still looks a bit like a rented home. So I need more artwork of any variety to hang up. If you’ve got any suggestions for artists or websites that sell affordable pieces online, please let me know in the comments!

So that’s three – and it could go up! What do you think? Do you have any goals (writing or otherwise) for 2020? Let me know in the comments! And Happy New Year!

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