I adore bookcases. Well, show me a writer who doesn’t? They are my favourite pieces of furniture and needless to say libraries both big and small invariably send me to my happy place.
One day I’m going to have a room covered with floor to ceiling bookcases and one of those wee ladders that rolls around the shelves so you can reach the top.
For the moment though, I have this:

My bookcase

A rather small, slightly broken Ikea Billy bookcase.As you can see, some of my books have been forced to flee the overcrowded space and set up camp in and on, the adjoining side table. It’s far from ideal but I make the best of it (and yes I do try to colour co-ordinate the spines. It’s far neater that way).

Houses without any visible books baffle me. If nothing else I’m nosey and bookcases are a great insight into a person’s character. Without them, I cannot spy on the inner being of my hosts! Mine I think, shows an obsession with fantasy plus a side of quirky fiction and travel.

So what does your bookcase look like?  What’s in it? And what do you think the world would make of it?

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