If you’re a blogger, it can be difficult to keep coming up with things to write about. So here are a few blog post ideas for those of you who run writing blogs like me. Maybe they’ll also spark some article ideas for other types of bloggers too!

1) Share your writing space

Do you have a study, or are you tucked away under the stairs? Maybe you’ve got a room in the garden or perhaps it’s the good old-fashioned kitchen table.

2) Tips to get over writer’s block

We’ve all been there and we all have different ways to get over the dreaded writer’s block, so why not share yours?

3) Your favourite writers

Choosing your favourite book is kind of like choosing your favourite child! Picking your top authors is somewhat easier and could inspire someone to try reading them.

4) Best writing blogs/websites

Share the blogs and websites you’ve found that have the best advice, tools, and inspiration. Y’know, like this one 😉

5) Your writing history

How did you get into writing? If you’re happy to, talk about your successes (and failures). Your story is probably more interesting than you think!

6) How you write

You may not consider yourself an expert (and frankly there’s no hard and fast rule to writing), but explaining how you write could well help others.

7) Places that inspire you

Exploring new places can be a great way to get the creative juices flowing. If you have found somewhere that inspires you, why not write about it?

8) Interviews

Your fellow writers are everywhere thanks to social media, and it can’t hurt to (respectfully) ask if they’d like to talk to you. Or you could try someone in a writing-related field, like a bookseller or librarian.

9) Music to write to

If you prefer to write in silence this would make a short blog post! But if you have writing playlists then you could post some links to your favourite tunes.

10) Writing tools

If you use a specific piece of writing software, detail why you’d recommend it. Or highlight an online tool or app you can’t write without.

11) Book reviews

This is a classic type of blog post, but there’s also room for film, TV, video game reviews and more. If you can link what you’re reviewing to writing (book adaptations, stories about writers) then all the better!

12) A day in your life

What’s your daily routine like? Are you able to write full-time or do you have another day job? Learning about how someone works writing into their daily life is always interesting.

So there are twelve ideas although I’m sure there are many more. Share your ideas or leave a comment below if you liked this post!

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